Jordan Pilgrimage Day 1 - This is Holy Land Too!

Shortly after we registered for the Footsteps of Jesus Pilgrimage we were asked if we were interested in a four day pilgrimage in Jordan. And we boldly said yes. Why not? We will probably not get back to this part of the world and seeing Jordan was an added bonus. So, we along with a few others signed up. When I signed up, I thought of it as a tour more than a pilgrimage. The pilgrimage motif came about later in England. And even as we began, it did feel like a tour more than an ongoing time in the Holy Land. Holy Land meant Palestine-Israel – right? Maybe not. So, this became both a pilgrimage and a tour, as we eased out of the intensity of the past 10 days. At 7am we were outside ready to board our bus with bags in hand. It felt a tad early, but we discovered why soon enough. We drove down the road to Jericho and on to the the King Hussein Bridge, also known as the Allenby Bridge, which is also is the only official border crossing between the West Bank and Jordan and is the sole ...