We are Theophilus

Recent weeks have seen a lot of media time given to homelessness both in Auckland and in other parts of New Zealand, including here in Tauranga. Working people unable to afford the rental being asked of them. Children living in cars. This has provoked a wide variety of responses. Last week also saw a budget that some suggest pretended this issue does not exist. Do we have anything to say to this?
We are in the middle of the year where we read from Luke. The author of Luke-Acts presents to Theophilus, the lover of God, an orderly account designed to explore and answer the question, "Who then is this?" We are Theophilus! This gospel was written to help us work out who Jesus is and what difference he makes to our lives and for this world. So what then does today's story offer us as we face up to the growing level of homelessness in this land? How do we address the growing inequality between those working for not enough, who can't afford rent and food; and those at the top earning far too much? As we hear the story of Jesus restoring the dead son to his devastated mother, and the original story of the son restored to his mother by Elijah, how then do we join in God's work of healing and restoring life?


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