
Showing posts from July, 2008


I was recently asked to comment on the decline of involvement of Anglican young people – or their drift from the Church – or even their drift into Pentecostal Church! Here is a response THE STATE OF YOUTH/LATE TEENS IN OUR CHURCH Some Observations by the Diocesan Youth Staff and the National Youth Facilitator of the Anglican Youth Network - Tikanga Pakeha When asked to comment on the state of youth/late teens in the Anglican Church in Aotearoa-New Zealand, and in particular on the decline of involvement of Anglican young people, the general consensus was question the assumption of decline. Up until a few years ago there was a feeling that we were failing with the older teens, and struggling with the younger ones as well. At diocesan events the average age was getting younger and younger. But over the last few years parishes and Dioceses have been much more proactive in their work with this age group. As a result there is now much less a sense of decline or that young people are movin...