
Showing posts from May, 2013

Te Pouhere Sunday

This Sunday is Te Pouhere Sunday , a day set aside by the General Synod / Te Hinota Whanui to celebrate the adoption of our a revised Constitution / Te Pouhere in May 1992, which established our three-Tikanga Church. Our first constitution was agreed to in June 1857, by a general conference held in Auckland. This allowed the Anglican Church in New Zealand to become an autonomous province with the right to create its own structures and appoint its own bishops. This constitution was a radical piece of work, offering a balance between diocesan and general synods, and establishing a synodical form of government which allowed bishops, clergy and laity equal voice in the decision making processes. It caused a lot of disquiet in the mother church. Sadly no Maori were present at this conference or at the first General Synod in 1859. The Native Church remained under CMS until after the New Zealand Wars when responsibility was handed over to the settler church. Māori continued to strugg...

Joining the Dance

Trinity Sunday 2013 Readings: Hebrew Scripture:                Proverbs   8:1-4, 22-31   Psalm:                     Psalm: 8   Epistle:    Romans 5:1-5          Gospel: John 16:12-15                                          What I want to say: suggest that a good understanding of the Trinity is important to help us understand who we are and what is ours to do explore Social Trinitarianism suggest things we might need to let go of what is my vision What I want to happen: People to be more engaged in knowing Jesus and making Jesus known Th...

The Miracle of Pentecost

 Gate Pa – 19 th May 2013 – Pentecost Sunday Readings: First Reading:  Acts 2:1-21                                 Psalm:              Psalm:   104:24-34,35b Epistle:            Romans 8:4-17            Gospel:            John 14:8-17                 What I want to say: miracle of Pentecost is not that Spirit God came down in power and allowed early followers to win converts through signs and wonders miracle Pentecost             people able worship God in own langua...