A long theme for the week
This week’s readings from Luke (10:1-11, 16-20) and from Paul’s letter to the Galatians have a strong communal theme to them. Paul is all about the new community of God’s people created through Jesus, and Luke has Jesus send out 70 or 72 to continue the work of John the Baptist preparing the way. Too often we reduce Christianity to me being saved by Jesus and that salvation is understood as me getting into heaven. And we use Paul to support that understanding. Yet that is nothing like what Paul was on about. His hope was in the promises made to Israel, the people of God, the promise of the restoration of all creation with the coming reign of God’s justice and peace. He had understood that the inheritors of that promise were those who kept Torah and who were circumcised. He found the teaching of the followers of this dead rabbi from Nazareth dangerous…until he met that dead and resurrected rabbi on the way to Damascus. Then he came to realise that circumcision and Torah did not q...