
Showing posts from November, 2017

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Have you made any new year’s resolutions – what do you hope for in the year ahead? Despite what the shops and media are telling us, it is not Christmas yet. It is Advent – the four Sundays before Christmas. During these weeks we are offered time to reflect on what we hope for as followers of Jesus, and what we look for. As our gospel reading ( Mark 13:24-37) reminds us hoping and looking are not passive activities sitting around wishing. Advent reminds us to live as if our hopes are realised and the reign of God is among us. Because it is – if not fully. Today we particularly remember all those who worked toward the ordination of women, both in this land and around the world- a struggle still going on today. We give thanks for their courage in living out their hope, making the reign of God more visible among us

Sheep Feeding the Hungry

Gate Pa – Year A   34 th Sunday of Ordinary Time,Christ the King Sunday Readings: Psalm                          Psalm 100 First Reading :               Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24      Second Reading :        Ephesians 1:15-23 Gospel :                         Matthew 25: 31-46             What I want to say: explore Christ the King and Matthews last block of teaching by using my submission to the City Council regarding Easter Sunday Trading What I want to happen: Do we act to earn something, because it is the right thing to do, or because that is just who we...

My Submission on Why I Opppose Easter Sunday Trading

Submission to Tauranga City Council re Allowing Shops to Open on Easter Sunday Across the City As I reflect on this issue I have been asking myself two questions: 1.                  what do we gain as a city? 2.                  what do we lose? I will base my comments around those 2 questions       1.      What do we gain? – very little -          not going to attract a whole lot more people here o    we already have Jazz festival – where many people come to listen to Jazz §   enjoy bars and restaurants – which this policy does not affect o    experience beautiful place we call Tauranga Moana -          they don’t come because of our great shopping - ...