
Showing posts from March, 2023

Humbly journeying the way of peace - thoughts for Palm Sunday

This week like every Palm Sunday we are invited to journey with Jesus down the Kidron Valley and into the ambivalent Passover crowds of Jerusalem, on through the maze of streets and events until we reach Golgotha and the cross. We are invited to notice how we respond as we enter this week and how this story helps us see our world differently and to live compassionately. It begins with a small crowd from the country waving branches (no palms in Matthew) on the Monday (Matthew is just playing with us now) before Passover. They are welcoming their “king” who rode a donkey into the city. They cry Hosanna!! Each Sunday, we join them crying Hosanna as we gather around the Eucharistic table. What is it we cry? Hosanna is both our plea for God to save, and a shout of praise and exaltation. As we join that procession what is it we long to be saved from? And for what do we give thanks and praise? This king is unlike most other kings. He does not enter Jerusalem like Pilate or Herod Antipas...

Finding Life with Heni

You can listen to this sermon here  Gate Pa –   5 th Sunday in Lent - Year A - 2023 Readings: Psalm - Psalm: 130 First Reading - Ezekiel 37:1-14 Second Reading - Romans 8:6-11 Gospel - John 11:1-45 What I want to say: I wonder how we are at the moment? - How many of us feeling like field of dry bones in Ezekiel – in need of breath of God? With Mary, Martha and Lazarus we are invited to know Jesus as the “resurrection and the life.” What I want to happen: What does her story offers us about Jesus life for us today? The Sermon      1.     Introduction: It is odd to think of where we were three years ago. Just into the new strange land of lock down Trying to work out how to do church online – what did that even mean? We did pretty well compared to many other places I had to be careful...