Israeli Deadly Force Breaks Rules |

I read this article yesterday. It is such a sad article. I feel so hopeless in the face of it. And anger. 
Strangley my anger is not at the young Israelis who pull the trigger. It is for those who continue to pursue policies of violence and hate within the Israele electorate. As Israel continues to vote for parties who are only interested in ongoing violence and oppression of the Palestinian people, they continue to put 18 and 19 year olds on the front line, holding powerful automatic weapons, facing a rage born out of hopelessness. Tragically, young people on both sides are the loosers. And there seems to be nothing anyone can or wants to do about this. It seems the settlers have won the day. More land will be stolen off the Palestinian people. The two state solution will soon be inpractical. And young people will die, and be traumatised by being the killers. Such stupidity.


Ted Witham said…
It's incredibly sad, John. The fear of the Israelis is real, and consequently they feel they must always act using their superior military force.

It's difficult to voice criticism of the Israeli state - they react, as fearful people do, by rejecting the criticism - and the critic - vigorously.

Like you, I can't see the circuit breaker needed to move from the current awful situation to Palestinians and Israelis living safely side by side with strong treaties and alliances.

I remember feeling the same hopelessness and anger about apartheid-era South Africa - and yet the Holy Spirit did answer prayers there.

Let us pray.

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