Simply Sent

 Gate Pa –  11th Sunday in Ordinary Time- Year A -2023

Psalm -                      Psalm 116:9-17                        
First Reading -         Genesis 18:1-15        
Second Reading -     Romans 5:1-8            
Gospel  -                   Matthew 9:35-10:23                     

What I want to say:
I want to talk about some of the themes from Phoenix
Then explore the importance of Matthew 10:5-8 for Franciscans and in light of that what is living simply
What I want to happen:
We are today's “sent ones”/apostles.
wonder what Jesus instructions offer us in our understanding of living the gospel?

The Sermon

     1.    Introduction:

Some of you know I was in Phoenix at TSSF Convocation
-        Why I missed two Sundays
Hot – top temp each day was between 36 -40 – but very dry heat
+ David Rice – bishop who appointed me to be your vicar was there as Bishop Protector
-        Great to spend time with him
-        Took opportunity to thank him for that appointment.
Take time now to thank you for your generosity as parish allowing me to be Minister General
-        Has been gift

     2.    Convocation

Some of the themes we spent time looking at last week included
-        Mary as our model for how we might live the gospel
-        Living in gratitude
o   starting with gratitude rather than …
-        Mending as a spiritual practice in a throw away world
o   my reflection on that was how does living in a throw away world shape my relationship with people, creation, things and God?
o   I might say more about that in the next few weeks
-        Creation is incomplete and is consistently oriented towards new and more complex life
o   World will never go back to how it was
-        We are incomplete - unfinished not broken
-        We are fractals of divine light and love – each one of us unique and wonderful
o   Challenge to see that in those I struggle with
-        God is love
o   More than God is loving
o   Or God loves.
-        God is love
-        We experience God in the finite of this world
o   To know God is to experience this concrete reality in all its wonder and beauty
There is a lot there that will bubble up in all kinds of ways over the next while.

     3.    Gospel

Our gospel reading this morning is very significant for Franciscans
Gospel reading for celebration of St. Matthias
In 1208 St. Francis of Assisi was at mass
When he heard this reading he is said to have stood and shouted that he had found his way
-        This was what he had been searching for
-        Although it is more likely he quietly asked the priest to explain what Jesus meant once mass was complete
-        Either way - Order of Friars Minor was born that day
-        with its focus on holy poverty and living simply
Begins with summary of what Jesus had been doing up to that point
-        Teaching about - (Sermon on Mount)
-        Living out kingdom or reign of heaven
Then Commissions the 12, who are named, to carry on that work
-        Apostles means “sent ones”
-        this is a pivotal moment for these 12
o   been observers of Jesus
§  been part of the support crew
§  they now join Jesus in proclaiming that the kingdom of heaven has come near
§  They are sent to continue all that Jesus had been doing
§  sent to proclaim in words and actions
·       The kingdom of heaven has come near
A word that occurred in nearly all commentaries about this is “compassion”
-        God’s compassion
Because God is love
Reign of heaven is marked by love
-        marked by loving compassion
-        God’s compassion for all people
-        Particularly poor, sick, widow, orphan, outsider
o   Those who had been devastated by the current system. (lost sheep in 10:6)
I wonder as we listen to this how we experience being sent
-        As we read the list of actions –
o   what does mean for how we proclaim in words and actions
o   The kingdom of heaven has come near
-        How our lives are marked with God’s compassion

     4.    Franciscan themes

Just like those now apostles
For Francis and those early brothers hearing this gospel was also a pivotal moment
-        had been hermit.
-        clothed in hermits garb
o   now he is sent out to the poor, sick, widow, orphan, outsider
o   Those who had been devastated by the system of his time.
-        living the poor clothes of a beggar
-        with this new focus on holy poverty and living simply

     5.    Living Simply – some thoughts

Francis and Clare heard this invitation
and lived immersed in God's covenant faithfulness to them to all people, to creation. 
Francis and Clare instinctively understood the destructive power of idols.
-        Idols were not just those things people call gods,
o   but all things that distract us from God's faithfulness.
-        They saw that their money, their wealth, all they owned, were the most powerful of idols.
-        They saw too the idols of self-comfort and self-aggrandizement as life destroying idols.
In response they surrendered all they had and embraced Lady Poverty as their way.
In doing so they were freed to be part of God's ongoing work to restore humanity and renew creation.
They were freed to live the reign of heaven.
As a Franciscan I too seek to live in the spirit of Lady Poverty. 
That means living simply. 
Living simply has many layers. 
It means to seek to not be attached to possessions and to money
-        paying attention to all the ways I am tempted to have the latest or the best
-        Before I buy anything ask, “do we really need this and if so, what might be good enough?”
Living simply means letting go of needing to earn or have more, whatever more we may seek, whether things, recognition, or blessings.
-        I am invited to live gratefully in response to the life that God generously offers all of us.
-        May we learn to live in the spirit of gratitude.
Living simply means resisting the temptation to see my possessions as mine, as just reward for my labours. 
-        we are invited to see them as God's generous gift with which we are to be as generous.
Living simply also means seeking to live in a way that does not add to the poverty of others and the damaging of this world.
-        At a basic level this means buying ethically; trying to be informed about the choices we make.
o   This includes paying attention to the work conditions of those who involved in the production of what we are buying.
o   It also means paying attention to the environmental cost.
§  paying attention to the ways the production of this product is harming human community,
§  adding to climate change,
§  biodiversity loss and pollution.
o   We are invited to listen to the voices of indigenous and the vulnerable and marginalised, those most harmed by what we buy.
è How are the choices we make in what we buy part of the renewal of creation and the enrichment and empowerment of people’s lives. 
Living simply, in all these ways, is our seeking to free ourselves from worshiping false idols. Maybe the greatest of these is the worship of my own comfort and safety.
We are todays “sent ones”/apostles.
wonder what Jesus’ instructions offer us in our understanding of living the gospel?
-        proclaiming in our actions and words – “The reign of heaven has come near”


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