Jesus, Paul, and Torah

One theme in today’s readings is Torah or Law. I am not sure we really understand what either Jesus (through the gospel writers) or Paul understood this to be about. Torah was given to allow the people of God to be righteous – to be faithful to the ever present and eternally faithful (righteous) God, who was working to redeem humanity and restore creation. Too easily it became a measure to assess our worthiness and to exclude people we felt unworthy. God got lost. God’s covenant work was forgotten. It became about me and us.
Paul offers another understanding in his letter to the Romans. And Jesus offered another interpretation – another yoke. Unlike other rabbis his was light as he sought to bring people into the light and freedom of God.

  • How does “faith in Jesus” weigh you down with unrealistic expectations?
  • What in our following of Jesus lays a heavy burden on us, and can we let it go?
  • Where do you experience the freedom of life in Jesus?


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