what a start to the year
just a very quick update the week before christams last year was spent with my family tamping around Lake Waikaremoana. Excellent! Christams services here at the mount, and then off to New plymouth for the rest of Christmas with Bonnie's parents. Then back in time for a freind from Levin (with a very nice new Alpha Romeo and navman technology) to come and spend a few days with us. Then New Years ar freinds and then down at the Mount. Very nice! We ahve a Swiss border, and his father came over and took him off touring in a noce Mercedes convertable. It was really nice to meet Rudolf. Michael and I then went off to the Colgate North Island Atheltics meet, where he ran in the 100, 200 and 400 14 year old age group. It was a great expereince except our van was broken into twice. Teh second time my laptop went so that has added to my silence. Tomorrow I am off to Dunedin for a Master block course on the Pastoral Function of Christian Doctine. I ahve been trying to read allteh I need to,...