Readings: Hebrew Scripture: Ruth 3:1-5,4:13-17 Psalm: Ps 127 Epistle: Hebrews 9:24-28 Gospel: Mark12: 38-44 What I want to say: We need to remember Remembrance Day, remember the courage and sacrifice of those who fought and those who left behind We need to remember that war is brutal and senseless We need to remember that our real hope is in Christ and the way of Christ, a way that seeks justice and peace for all. What I want to happen: In 2 minute silence remember wastefulness and stupidity of war, especially WW1. The Sermon 1. Introduction: Today Armistice Day or Remembrance Day – Wonder as we gather this morning, what is it we are remembering? On own think Responses Cambridge military parade stunned and sick why? isn’t it a good day? where I am coming from Comments coloured: After WW1 family no