On Armistice Day

This Sunday is Armistice Day. I will be at the RSA helping take a service at 11am. In looking for suitable prayers I found this blog posting. It sums up alot of what I am feeling about this.

Last Friday I drove through Cambridge. On Armistice Day it is holding a military parade, glorifying all things military. When I saw the sign I felt sick. On this day we remember not only the millions who died so needlessly through the incompetence of their generals, and the millions who were left scarred,physically and psychologically for the rest of their lives, they are holding an event glorifying all that should be held in shame on that day. On a day we should be remembering the subsequent conflicts (WW2 happened because of WW1) and the ongoing horrific effects of that war (the ongoing turmoil in the middle east can be linked back to the end of WW1 and the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the decisions of the European powers on how that should be divided up) Cambridge is glorifying war. There are so many other days to hold military parades and glory in all things to do with war, Armistice Day like ANZAC Day is not one of them. I still feel sick.


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