
Showing posts from October, 2013


Today we gather with Christians all around the world who will light candles and remember loved ones who have died over the last year. We do this because   November 1st, (Friday), has for at least 12 centuries been All Saints Day. This is the day Christians have remembered all those who firstly died as martyrs for the faith, and then all those great people of faith (saints) who the rest of us look up to and are inspired by. From the twelfth or thirteenth centuries All Souls Day was held on November 2 to remember all people of faith. So today we remember all those who have gone before us, who have paved the way for us, and especially those we have loved and who loved us. We honour their memory, and we give thanks for the ways they have blessed us over our life times. As we do this we also take another step in letting them go trusting that they now rest in God, as they have always. Our gospel reading today reminds us that we are all held by God. When we take the time to remembe...

Who are God’s Chosen People?

 Gate Pa – 27 th October 2013 30 th Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Hebrew Scripture:     Joel 2:23-32                  Psalm:                          Psalm: 65                     Psalm Response: Glory to God – Creator, Word and Spirit           As God always was, is now, and will be forever. Amen Epistle:                        2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18            Gospel:                ...

John Hebenton's Podcast

Actually, turns out this is where you can here my sermons.

Am I a Pharisee?

Last week we heard the story of the insistent widow and were invited to pray unceasingly for justice for God’s chosen ones. The big questions in all that are who is God’s chosen ones and what does justice look like for them? This week we are confronted with the Pharisee and the tax collector. One is pretty sure he is one of God’s chosen ones. And he thanks God that he is not like those others out there that are clearly not one of God’s chosen ones. It is such an easy thing to think isn’t it, that we are God’s chosen ones. After all, we like the Pharisees, listen to God’s voice, we do our best to obey and live good and holy lives, even if we might not use that language. Every now and then we hear other Christians sounding awfully like this nasty Pharisee, whether it is in relation to gay and lesbian people, or criminals, or a number of other groups. And deep down we give thanks that we are not like them and that we are much more inclusive and broad minded and…. snap! There we are...

God is getting out of the Box

Readings: Hebrew Scripture:     Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7       Psalm:                          Psalm: 66:1-11 Epistle:                         2 Timothy 2:8-15          Gospel:                        Luke 17:11-19 What I want to say: God refuses to be pinned down by our rules what do we need to let go of What I want to happen: The Sermon       1.      Introduction: Bonnie – Kate and I have rules for her             not rules but expectations – base...