God is getting out of the Box

Hebrew Scripture:     Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7     
Psalm:                         Psalm: 66:1-11
Epistle:                        2 Timothy 2:8-15        
Gospel:                        Luke 17:11-19

What I want to say:
God refuses to be pinned down by our rules
what do we need to let go of

What I want to happen:

The Sermon
      1.     Introduction:
Bonnie – Kate and I have rules for her
            not rules but expectations – based on how behaved and what said in passed
            didn’t like to be so boxed in               
trouble is we do same thing to God
some ways that is good thing
            us to trust God’s faithfulness
            some way need trust God will behave as has in past
boxes God in
when do that place ourselves in charge
leave little room for God to be God
define who God is and how God will act
defining who other people are as well
            and how they should act
blinds us to God’s activity in world around us
that is what all todays readings are about
      2.      Jeremiah
made some comments in pew sheet about events Jeremiah
when Babylonians crushed southern kingdom
took Jerusalem
carted a lot leaders off Babylon
said – everything knew about God and expected of God failed them
Jeremiah forced rethink history and experience God
rethink who God was
who they were as people of God
what was theirs to do in face of new answers
suggested God inviting see God as much bigger than imagined
and as concerned with way more than just tribes Benjamin and Judah (which all left 12 tribes)
through these events they would become vehicle God’s blessings on many peoples.
to fo more htan survive
emabrace situation and thrive

       3.      Luke
also theme of interesting story heard  from Luke
3 stories about Samaritans in Luke
            Samaritan village does not offer hospitality (as would be expected)
            Parable of Good Samaritan – Samaritan loves neighbour – radically new understanding of who is our neighbour
            This story
            Jesus appear walking through border area Galilee and Samaria
                        Galilee Jews descendants tribes Judah and Benjamin
                        Samaria – Samaritans – descendants of 10 “lost tribes” from north mixed with other peoples Assyrians brought to live in Northern region
            hated and animosity between two
enters village are “lepers” – refers to anyone who has skin disease – not Hansen’s disease of today
all lepers (all with skin disease) expelled from communities – treated as if died.
            group of lepers seems be 9 Galileans and 1 Samaritan
Jesus sees them and tells them "Go, show yourselves to the priests."
Off they go – still lepers
According to Mosaic law even if they are healed – only priests can declare them “whole”, alive, restored to former life and can restore them to life (Num. 5:2-3, Leviticus 13:45) after period probation and ritual washings
            true Jews
            true Samaritans – different priests – not ones Jerusalem
Leave – full of hope
on way healed – still not whole, not restored
at that moment little community splits and old boundaries reassert themselves
one who is still outcast among Galileans returns
returns to glorify God
notice what Jesus does here
            he takes place of Samaritan priest
            restores him to his place without obligations laid down in law.
does that because this Samaritan – “foreigner”/outsider
came back praising God
sometimes read this and see other 9 somehow less grateful and not so well behaved –
            other 9 do exactly as Jesus instructs and exactly as Law Moses instructs
            God healed them – happened
            restored to life they need go temple
usually read this as story about being thankful
            point that Jesus makes is not that Samaritan is thankful
            He is praising God!!!
Heres some surporses
-          God heals Samaritan
-          In Luke  - it is two Samaritans who live out summary of Mosaic Law
            this Samaritan praises / loves God (love Lord your God with all your heart and all souls and all mind and all strength
            Good Samaritan lives out second half – love neighbour
heres another way understanding what is going on here
Through lukes record life Jesus – God is saying – stop putting me in the box that I am only interested in Jews who follow the letter of the law.
Because I am interested in all people
much more interested in intent of law.

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