
Showing posts from January, 2023

Giving Words

You can listen to this sermon here   Gate Pa –  4 th Sunday in Ordinary Time- Year A – 2023 Readings: Psalm -                        Psalm: 84                            First Reading -             Malachi 3:1-4               Second Reading -        Luke 2: 22-40 Gospel -                       Matthew 5: 1-12   What I want to say: As we end Epiphany-Christmas with its focus on light and revelation, we are given the beatitudes. Jesus gives words to what he is already and will continue...

Giving words to actions

There is a lot to squeeze into this week’s theme. Firstly, we are observing the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple -  which falls on 2 February, 40 days after Christmas, marking the end of Christmas-Epiphany season. Jesus was presented at the Temple as the law required of a first son, and we hear the response of Simeon (The Song of Simeon or Nunc Dimittis) and Anna.  The name Candlemas comes from the tradition of blessing the candles that were to be used in the church during the coming year. Candles were the main means of providing light – in every way we can understand that. Over these 40 days when we have been invited to wrap our minds around the light of God revealed in Christ. God is with us; God is with all.  The presentation story is one more revelation of who Jesus the Christ is, and through that who God is and the nature of God’s ongoing work in the world today. Confusingly for those of you who follow the lectionary this week we are using the gospel readi...

Called To Have Our Minds Blown

You can listen to this sermon here  Gate Pa – 3rd Sunday in Epiphany - Year A - 2023 Readings: Psalm -                        Psalm: 27:1,4-9                   First Reading -              Isa 9:1-4                                Second Reading -       1 Cor 1:10-18 Gospel -                        Matthew 4:12-25                         What I want to...

Disturbing Epiphany

Epiphany is a time to reflect on the revelation of God breaking in once again in human history. It continues the Christmas story with the Persian Magi – (astrologers who are condemned by Torah) coming to anoint a child from a poor Jewish family as king. God’s gracious love breaking into the darkness of this world This is not how things were normally done then or now. Amy G. Oden says “ the apparent powers of the world are unmasked, revealed to be a sham for all their bluster and posturing. During Epiphany, we recognize God's inbreaking in Jesus Christ, setting in stark relief the false, worldly powers that claim so much authority in our lives: success, productivity, dominance, self-reliance. They do not have the last word.” ( This Sunday we hear Matthew 4:12-25. In response to John’s arrest Jesus withdraws and begins his ministry inviting people to repent. Too ...