God not in a box

I will be away during the coming week. But here are my initial thoughts about next weeks readings. There will be no sermon notes. I will not be preaching. Just holidaying and such.

Theme for next week.
It is so easy to box God in, to define who God is and how God will act. And usually it is in ways we can manage. We do it all the time. It shapes how we read scripture, how we see God at work in the world and in our lives and how we see ourselves. Too often we are blinded and mislead by this easy definition.
Today’s readings invite us to let go of our assumptions of God. In the gospel reading Jesus steps beyond the accepted boundaries and shows mercy to all who ask, even when they would not have seemed worthy. His criteria, God’s criteria for mercy are endlessly generous.  Jesus does that. Just keeps stepping out of our safe definitions and inviting us to a much bigger and more generous life. Are we brave enough to accept?


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