Loved Pedants

Yesterday I went to the installation of the new bishop of Dunedin. I went to this to both welcome him as the National youth facilitator for our Tikanga, to farewell him from our diocese, to support him as the Bishop Protector of us Franciscans, and to ensure he was safely installed. It was a great occasion to be part of.
In the speeches afterwards, Bishop Phillip from Taranaki talked about George being very pedantic, which he is. But he described this as George being careful about processes, and therefore careful about people. I guess I had instinctively known this, yet it clicked for me. Being careful about processes is being careful about people. To often people get a good idea, and charge ahead with it. The trouble is people get hurt, and the good idea never has the chance to become a great idea. It was a good learning for me, and I will try hard to be careful about processes in future.

I went to the last service of a much loved vicar today. It was inspiring to be part of a community that grieved his going, and the vicar grieved his going as well. It was also a celebration of a time of ministry that had been significant for all involved. I aspire to be like Gary, the vicar, loved, honest, yet careful with people. Out of that come inspiring ministry and mission.


Paul Fromont said…
See you this evening for a catchup. I hope you can keep this blogging thing going...

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