
I have been in Tonga now for 5 days at the launch of Youth Yeah! A celebration of young people and ministry among young people in the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia. The actual launch was on the Sunday, and was a large affair. Every group there performed two items, and there were groups from Tikanga Pakeha (European descent in New Zealand) Tikanga Maori, Tikanga Pacifika in New Zealand, Samoa, Several different groups from Fiji, plus each parish in Tonga. A Free Wesleyan group also came to take part and participate. There were speeches from Claude Fong-Toy, the Diocesan Youth Co-ordinator for Polynesia, and from the Anglican Bishop in Polynesia, Rt. Rev. Jabez Bryce. It took about three hours, and was a great way to start the year. The job now is to publicise what has happened, and to make the best use of this year as possible.
On the Monday our two speakers were not able to come (from New Zealand) so I was asked to run the two hour session on what is Youth Yeah! This was great fun, using small groups and getting people to talk to each other in those groups. We then did a round robin as part of the Toru, The Anglican Centre for Youth Ministry Studies presentation.
We have also visited a disability centre; the children’s ward in the hospital, picked up rubbish, planted trees in each of the Parishes to mark the occasion, and had a day at the beach. Finally, we have been hosted by various parishes for dinner and entertainment. The only downer has been my getting a reaction to lunch on Sunday, and eating very little, and not feeling great. But I have found Fanta does a great job settling the stomach!!

In the two days left we have the big thank you tonight, and then the T3 Youth Exec will meet for the remainder of the time.

Should be just as busy


malleebull said…

Good to hear it went well.

It seems like it has been a large regional meeting that has produced a lot of excitement for youth apostolates! Great!

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