Why is there a lack of Anglicans wanting to be youth workers?

Ideas from a discussion of the Professional Diocesan youth Staff (PADYS) and others at forum 2006;
This is not a New Zealand problem. Michael’s observation is that it is a world wide cross denominational problem
UK and USA are all struggling to find people
What insight does Lloyd Martin's research published in “Real Work” offer in terms of working conditions and stress of the position of youth worker?
No one is being trained in Anglican youth ministry. So we have to steal from other churches
Also a question of what is happening to people who are going through our current youth ministries? Why do none of them want to work with young people?
Often the positions are not sustainable, so there is a high turn over. Because of the pay levels and the lack of role models of people doing it as a long term ministry it is not considered a career
As a consequence we do not have people who are trained or qualified or who have the experience or maturity
We do have school leavers applying for positions but they do not have the maturity or support and do not last long term.
There are very few beyo9nd the first tier
Youth workers tend to be on the fringe of the church institution, (yet at the centre of mission – my comment)
Lack of Anglican training
Lack of tiered positions that allow young people to enter into this ministry and acquire the training and experience they need
Lack of communication with current youth ministry trainers, although there is a question of whether people who have done their courses would want to or be able to work in traditional Anglican parishes.
Poor pastoral care of youth workers
Unrealistic expectations of youth workers – often expected to do the youth work rather than manage the parish’s youth work, working with teams of parishioners who are involved.
What should we do?
Help parishes and employers develop realistic expectations and pay models
Provide clergy training in Missiology
Work on what Anglican youth ministry would look like!


Mich said…
Amen and Amen
I look forward to the day when our words are heard.....

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