Where does your chocolate come from?

Ever wondered where you’re chocolate comes from? Ever thought that child slaves helped pick it? Ever wondered about who suffers for you to indulge in some yummy dark stuff?

I got this email from a colleague about three weeks ago.

"Hi all

We are putting together a petition to encourage the producers of 60 Minutes to investigate the Chocolate industry here in NZ in particularly where they source their Coco beans from, and we hoped that you could support us in doing this by posting this on your blog/website and linking to the petition:

The reason we are doing this is because we want to do something that will (1) help people focus on the issue of modern slavery (2) we want people to be more ethical and thoughtful in what they consume (3) because we want to eat chocolate with a 'relatively clean' conscience knowing that it is slave free chocolate and the only guilt we feel is knowing we have eaten far too much.

So if you would like to join us and distribute a petition in your networks you can do so by downloading a petition from:


And you can read a bit more about it through this other link:


Thanks heaps for doing this
Michael Treston
Youth Coordinator
Anglican Diocese of Nelson

Think about it
Maybe go to the links and read more!
Maybe even sign it?



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