
Some thoughts from the Leaders in Congregations course with Kevin Ward:
• How can you be alone with your own/God’s thoughts wired with someone else’s?
• The role of leader in the future is to identify, mentor, resource and trust young people to create church for themselves and their peers. Through this we might learn what church might be, rather than what church is now. To do this we must not fear the future. That reminds me of something Steve Taylor said at a thing he did earlier in the year, that we are a resurrection people, not a crucifixion people, so rather than focussing on the immanent death we should focus on the new life that God is bringing through this death. ( at least I think that is what he said)
• I was struck by how often church leaders (and maybe others) identify the problem that needs fixing, and then the solution, and then they set about persuading others to act ion it. I have to say from my experience, that the problem is not quite accurately identified, and the solution is often not quite what was needed, and often leads to the next problem. I wonder what would happen if leaders stopped viewing themselves as the fount of all wisdom, and worked with others to both identify the problem, and then trust them to find the best solution that works for them. Sure, leaders need to be part of that, making sure that it si a good solution, but they do not need to have all the answers, as we (and I include myself in this) so often seem to think we do.


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