memory verses

I was watching an australian kids dvd of chirstian songs. Many if not most of the songs were little memory verses all set to music to make it easier to remember. All good???


but as I watched I thought of all those talks I have listened to which has used the line "there is a verse in the bible that says" I hate that line so much. It reduces teh bible to a ransom collection of proverbs. And the Bible is not a random collection of proverbs, and should never ever be treated as such. And as I watched this dvd I realised where some of that attitude comes from. Our education programmes which teach the memory verse, and nothing about the book that verse comes from, the author who wrote it, what the author was trying to say in teh book and how the verse fits in with that. And we never teach the whole bible, or the story of the whole bible, well hardly ever. and as a result, we end up with a view of the Bible as whakatauki, proverbs. Blah!!!


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