
More information is emerging about the much vaunted cycleways. I have to say I am keen to see more. I love cycling, but it can be really dodgy on our roads. I get sworn at regularly for being on the road. Drivers are an angry and impatient lot. I was really surprised by the negative reaction of some people to this. Lazy people, unfit people, wedded to their cars. I am looking forward to seeing this emerge, and am looking forward to persuading Bonnie to have a go at some of these for a holiday!!

Key told the Hotel Industry Conference in Auckland this morning that $50m would be allocated to the project over the next three years.

"I see the national cycleway developing from a series of "Great Rides" through some of New Zealand's most beautiful scenery. Our long-term goal is to create a network that links these "Great Rides" into a uniquely New Zealand set of cycling experiences that connects and passes through our cities."

I was worried it would get watered down to much, but I still hold out hope.


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