National Anglican Youth Forum 2009

We have just held our 18th National Anglican Youth Forum, Tikanga Pakeha. It was the 16th I have attended, and the 9th I have had some role in organizing, the 7th as AYNF.TP, which is slightly frightening really. And it was awesome. The theme was Front yard Christianity, doing mission rather than talking about mission. We used Open Space Technology to raise issues in our business day, which worked really well. The topics discussed included: Being Anglican at tertiary institutions (how to encourage each other, and even have a presence) Being Anglican at School, The environment (including Fair trade and justice issues) T3 relationships, where to next, and homosexuality. The passion and commitment from these young people was unbelievable. One young man went home and set up a website. I just hope we can keep this going. It was so good to see such passionate young people who were not embarrassed about being Anglican. It was young people engaged in home grown mission shaped church (so to speak). Thanks to the speakers, and the Forum Exec, and Auckland for hosting it. Next year in Waiapu.


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