Before I went to Australia I was at the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation 2009 in Auckland. Here is the official Communiqué.

International Anglican Liturgical Consultation 2009
Communiqué, 8 August 2009, Auckland

The International Anglican Liturgical Consultation met August 3-8 at the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Auckland, in the Anglican Church of Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia. We are grateful to the Local Arrangements Committee, the Right Reverend Winston Halapua and the Right Reverend Kito Pikaahu, the Right Reverend George Connor, Mrs. Heather Skilling and the Very Reverend Ross Bay who shaped the conference and tended to our travel and practical needs with care.

The gathering comprised Anglicans from fourteen of the Provinces of the Anglican Communion. Particular welcome was given to the first representatives from the Anglican Church in Korea and the Church of North India. Due to unforeseen difficulties regarding travel and visa matters, several of our members were unable to be with us. We upheld them in our prayers, as we prayed for the Churches of the Communion and for our ecumenical friends.

We are deeply grateful to those from the three Tikanga of the Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia who shared with us wonderful gifts in prayer, song, food, dance, story and insight. We were welcomed graciously on three separate occasions by each of the Tikanga. Thrice blessed in Maori, Tonga, and English, we were invited to feast, to pray and to celebrate the Eucharist with the peoples of these Islands. We were humbled by the generosity of our hosts. Together with them we were grieved by the Tonga ferry sinking and the loss of life of so many, and uphold in prayer all affected by this tragedy.

We offer special thanks to the Right Reverend George Connor, Bishop of Dunedin, who has served his term as Chair of IALC with wisdom and hospitality of spirit. We welcome with gratitude the Reverend Cynthia Botha, from the Province of Southern Africa, who now serves as Liaison Officer for the Anglican Communion and Secretary to the IALC (non stipendiary). A new Steering Committee has been named, with Dr. Eileen Scully of Canada as incoming Chair.

The primary focus of our work this week was on rites relating to marriage, the theology of marriage, and cultural and pastoral contexts of marriage. Papers were presented by the Reverend Dr. Charles Sherlock (Australia), the Right Reverend Dr. Winston Halapua (Aotearoa) and the Reverend Dr. Richard Leggett (Canada). We were encouraged in our work by Societas Liturgica President the Reverend Dr. James Puglisi, OFSA, our ecumenical partner.

We are conscious that relational realities undergird our discussions, drafting and business. Along with the personal friendships that develop across these meetings, we treasure the growth in relationships amongst Churches of the Communion as we listen to each other and learn from each other. This was particularly true this week when we worshipped together, led in the Eucharistic and office rites and with hymns and prayers from different Churches of the Communion. This IALC is committed to find further ways to enhance communications amongst the Churches’ Liturgical Commissions and their parallels, to share resources across the Communion, and to continue IALC-related work between meetings.

An interim document has emerged from our work on Marriage this week. We also commended the work of the Palermo 2007 IALC on Rites Surrounding Death. These two provisional documents, along with the papers presented to the conferences, will be shared with those responsible for liturgy in the Churches of the Anglican Communion, seeking comment from them in preparation for the next gathering of the IALC in 2011.

The International Anglican Liturgical Consultation is a gathering normally meeting every two years. It is open to Anglican members of Societas Liturgica, members of liturgical commissions or equivalent of the member Churches of the Anglican Communion, and to those named by their Provincial structures as official representatives of their Churches. The IALC’s aim is to foster conversation amongst the Churches of the Anglican Communion on matters concerning worship and liturgy. Statements produced by the IALC have been helpful in guiding liturgical renewal and development of rites across the Provinces of the Communion.

The next meeting of the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation will take place in July or August 2011, location to be announced.

For further information about the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation, and to access its Statements and other resources, see www.anglicancommunion.org/ministry/liturgy/index.cfm

Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia: +George Connor (Chair), Ross Bay, Monty Black, Feremi Cama, Tricia Carter, Mark Chamberlain, Brian Dawson, John Hebenton, Carole Hughes, Nick Mountfort, +Te Kitohi Pikaahu, John Tamahori, Australia: Dane Courtney, Paul Monash, Charles Sherlock, Elizabeth Smith, Canada: Alyson Barnett-Cowan, Richard Leggett, Eileen Scully, England: +Colin Buchanan, Dana Delap, Simon Jones, +Stephen Platten, Paul Thomas, Phillip Tovey, India: +Vijay Sathe, Ireland: Gerald Field, Alan Rufli, Japan: Shintaro Ichihara, Kenya: Joyce Karuri, Korea: Nak-Hyon Joseph Joo, Philippines, Tomas Maddela, Southern Africa: Ian Darby, Keith Griffiths, Bruce Jenneker, Scotland: Darren McFarland, USA, Richard Fabian, Clayton L Morris, Juan Quevedo-Bosch, Ecumenical Observer: James Puglisi, Liturgy Liaison officer, ACC and Secretary IALC: Cynthia Botha


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