Super City

I was really disappointing last week when John Key abandoned the concept of Maori Seats on the Auckland Super City Council under threat from Rodney Hide. Personally I think he missed an opportunity to get Hide out of government. But what really saddened me was that democratic process was usurped for Rodney's grandstanding. What principle will Rodney campaign on at the next election. Rodney knows best? So much for the party of principles huh?


Madeleine said…
My children are part-maori. I want them to grow into an adult world where people are judged and elected on the content of their character and their ability and not their skin colour.

If American can elect a black president and New Zealand can elect a woman Prime Minister surely were at a time where if a capable Maori candidate stands for council people of all creeds, race and sex will vote for that candidate regardless of race.

We need to stop seeing race and start seeing people and this example must come from our leaders.

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