The Solomon Islands with TSSF - Day 8:

The Market

Tuesday, last day! Andrew took us to the market, and we did a bit of shopping, bananas for us and Andrew, and sarongs for pressies and a good look around just for fun. And then coffee at th coffee place with Andrew and Luisa, and then I went off to meet chris Taro the provincial youth Officer. Great stuff. It was good to spend an hour with a fellow provincial youth person, and to hear about what they are doing, and to get a copy of their youth policy.

Then a quick  goodbye at the Friary and off to St. Agnes to pack. Betsy came round to say goodbye, and then we were off to the airport. Now I am on the flight home, back to the cold, to normal life, clean water, no bettlenut, no election speeches. Just same old same old New Zealand.

This has been a grand trip. I feel like I am getting a handle on how Melanesia works. I really valued and enjoyed having Sarah and Helene journey with me. It made it a lot more fun,  and they worked hard during chapter writing things up and recording some of the sessions. They brought heaps of little gifts to give out at the various places we went to, unlike me, and connected with the women so very well. It was so good having them both there and I am grateful they wanted to come.
Sarah, Andrew, John, John Ama, Willie and Helene at the airport.
So,, looking forward t next time, I need to go to Makira I think, and to once again have chapter. And I think I will be sent to Savo as well, where I know I will be well treated. I look forward to that.
A grand week.


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