
Is Humility just taking the lowest place? Or is it much more? I wonder if it is knowing that my identity is really only found in God and God alone, and not in my roles, or knowledge, or title, or my position or wealth. My identity is also not found in how much I am affirmed by others, or how much I am stroked or loved. It is simply found in God.

The danger in taking the lowest place is that secretly I desperately need someone to invite me further up the table. To be humble simply means being happy wherever I am placed at the table, knowing it does not matter where I am.

And so for me, I have to hold on to that, to know that it does not matter where I am (when deep in my heart it matters a lot) or what I do, because where ever or whatever that is, my sense of who I am needs to be based on God's profound life giving love. To be humble is to let go of all else, and to simply trust in that love. Only then will I know perfect joy. That is humility.


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