the perils of being a cyclist

Three cyclists die on our roads this weekend. I am sure that both the drivers will be filled with remorse. Huh.
It is perilous riding on our roads because of the moronic driving of New Zealand drivers. It is amazing how many drivers insist on driving on the white line even when there happens to be a cyclist just on the other side of that line. Ride strong, the cyclist lobby group advises cyclists to ride on the road side of the white line. I did this on Monday last week, and it does force cars further out, and I then have the option of moving over. But why should I have to? I am sure if any of these drivers hit me they would bo very upset. Not as upset as me however. And they could avoid it by giving me space.

But it is also the idiots who overtake and then drive right over to the white line that scare me witless. A car was within .5m of me going very fast on Monday overtaking on a corner. It was so close, and so unnecessary. Just a peice of really really bad driving.

And then there are those who turn left on top of cyclist. Overtake and then turn left forcing you off the road. Sometimes they even swear at you for being on the road. Brilliant. I have even been forced off the road by a bus that overtook me, and whole overtaking pulled into a bus stop.

So cyclists will continue to die, and drivers will feel remorse. But if they just engaged their small brains there would be less death and less reason for remorse.

Tomorrow I go out again. God keep me safe!


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