The Parable of the Lost Sons (Yes, sons)

Thanks to Kenneth Bailey, and as usual Holy Textures

 Gate Pa – Lent 4, 2013

Hebrew Scripture:           Josh 5: 9-12 
Psalm:                                  Psalm: 32            
Epistle:                                 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 
Gospel:                                Luke 15: 1-3, 11b-32       
What I want to say:
People to engage with the story as shocking story by retelling it from that cultural point of view–
*      ask – where are you in this story
-          where do experience God acting in very unexpected and shocking ways.
What I want to happen:
people to reflect on:
-          where are you in this story
-          where do experience God acting in very unexpected and shocking ways.

The Sermon

           1.     Introduction:

a. How did you feel as you heard that reading?
            talk / responses?
To people in the story issues are important
            about how maintain your community
                        issues raised in story go heart maintaining communities viability
this would have been very disturbing story
b. Why did Jesus tell this story?
            talk / responses?
             table fellowship is important in all this
- Lay very serious charge against Jesus -> Table habits in Middle East
*                   nobleman feed any number "lesser needy persons" sign of generosity, NOT eat with them!
*          only eat with invited guests - receives as sign of peace, trust, brotherhood, and forgiveness, a sign of acceptance
-> this is what Jesus accused of doing:
not only eating with but accepting sinners 

          2.     Two Stories:

How does Jesus respond to this?
*     parable lost sheep -> ends with rejoicing
*     parable of lost coin -> ends with rejoicing
*    - safe stories, little out ordinary
- lull into sense false security

3.     Story 3 – Story of Lost Sons

- story of father and two sons
*   Live in village not on farm
*   situation hearers very familiar with
*     relaxed

4.     The Request:

-         meet very dysfunctional family
-         younger one - Dad, I want you dead! feel the tension
-         SHOCK
-> unusual pass on property until dying if did, only voluntarily, not asked for
-         keep father until dies
-  > neither father or son sell
-  property more than families
-  community aspect to this
-  land allowed those communities to exist
-  not dispose of it

5.     Obligations

So what should have happened?
what listeners expecting to happen?
-  expect older son fulfil obligations:
                  reconcile father with son
            refuse his share
-       Father beat son,
-  send him out with nothing -
Neither occurs
           older son fails in his obligations
           father does unthinkable:
                       humiliates himself
                       gives half property, with the right of disposition!
–> he can sell
  - fundamental break in the relationship of this family
simply be unheard of situation
loss property puts community at risk
break down in family structure puts family and community at rish
all of that puts younger son at risk
-  > son sells quickly, (cf months)
*       lucky to find buyer
*       encountered incredible hostility other villages Flees.

6.     The Sons Adventure:

-                      goes far off country - Gentiles
-       squanders money - extravagant living. (not immoral)
-     Family property is lost to gentiles: punishable by being cut off from family – he is now dead to them all!
-       famine
-  > lone Jew in foreign land - in want more others
-       looks wealthy person hire him
-  offer jobs should refuse to get rid of him
-                        tending pigs - unable do week religious rituals
-   root wild carob berries -- bitter and innutritious
-       unable eat undesirable parts pig when slaughtered - as would been offered!
Cut off from his family
-     deserves no better! 

          7.     A Cunning Plan

-       comes senses
*       conceives plan to
-     return home
-     confess sin - loosing money - unable care father
-     order father hire him as servant
-       live independently -village
-       not be brothers house
-       ability pay father back
-       pride intact!
-       face hostility- village 

8.     The Welcome:

-     village see coming, form gauntlet - verbally and physically abuse - ongoing -> outcast!
-     father sees first
-     running gauntlet himself
-> to rescue him
*       second time humiliates himself for son -
*       not run
-                   kisses son –
                         prevent kissing hands/feet
                     - sign reconciliation
-- son and community .
-       establishes relationship with servants - ordering dress him and place sandals on feet, and signet ring     -
-       confirms relationship with community - killing fatted calf, throwing party for all!

          9.     The Reaction

-     Fathers love shatters him sees
-     money not point,
-     -> in fact pretend to compensate father with his earning is an insult
-     accepts forgiveness, and confesses unworthiness.
*  not finish - with request
-  accepts sonship, and the cost of that
*     easier to be servant
now live with bros
fed on bros property
under fathers total authority
            denied satisfaction being indep
-     earning own way
-     paying father back
-       understands inital sin about relationship
-     with an acceptance of fathers forgiveness and confession of his unworthiness moves from:
*     servant to son
*     Repentance of fear, -> repentance of making up for sin
*     repentance of love -> ability to forgo his pride and accept the graciousness of the father

          10.   The Older Son:                 

not notified
-     father knows annoyed and may try stop it all
-     heightens comparison
-> returns as food ready for those returning form fields
-     obliged to go in and join festivities
* responsibilities. - greet and care for guests -> instead quizzes one boys outside:
-     furious
-     again should go carry out duties and wait to confront father in private
-> instead humiliates father - not go in
-       publicly complains
-     Father, again - angry
-     should punish him
-     order him in
-     if does, knows remain servant - wants a son --> third time, humiliates himself and pleads

          11.  The Response:

-  plays to crowd listening
-  no title
servant not son
-          all years l have slaved
-          never disobeyed your orders, (but disobey the commandment to love)
-            my joy is in eating with friends, not brothers return
-  not paid me even one kid - right of disposition
-  very close- wishing father dead as well!
            -- accuses brother of being rebellious -
-     spent father's old age living - on harlots
-                 > punishable by death
-     removes himself from family
                       “this son of yours (not brother)”

          12.   The Final Response:

-     same unearned shattering love
-     ignores insults, omissions, bitterness and arrogance
-     uses "beloved son" as title
-     appeals to him to rejoice in brother come home, cf full stomach with friends.
-     invites to be son too!

           13.  Pharisees:

-     we left hanging there
-  > not know how story ends
-           what does older son do?
-  not know what Pharisees do
-                           shown that Repentance accepting that we have been found, rather than earned!

14.   Conclusion!

*       where are you in this story
*       you father, older son, younger son
*       what is repentance for you
*       something earned?
*                               accepting that you have been found
*                               where do experience God acting in very unexpected and shocking ways.


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