No more Themes for the Week or Sermon Notes for awhile

This is my last Sunday before I  go on Sabbatical  to fulfil my obligations as Minister Provincial of the Third Order, Society of Saint Francis, Province of the Pacific. On Monday I leave for the Solomon Islands to visit Franciscan Tertiaries, (which make up half the professed in this Province), talk to bishops about the life of the Order, and chair various meetings. On August 8th I travel to Australia to spend a week on retreat with the Franciscan Brothers at Stroud. On August 17th I travel to Capetown to attend the Provincial Ministers’ meeting, with some sightseeing at the end. My first day back is Sunday September 8th. So there will be no sermon notes or themes for the week until Setpember 15th. I will I hope put up some posts about life on the road.


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