
 Gate Pa – November 12 2013
Hebrew Scripture:                 Haggai 1:14-2:9                     
Psalm:                                     145:1-5-17-21
Epistle:                                    2 Thess 2:1-5, 13-1
Gospel:                                    Luke 20:27-38

What I want to say:
            Ask what we remember on remembrance Sunday
            suggest that we remember and honour those who went working prevent any others having to do same
            inspired by example of Te Whiti and Tohu among others in this land
            do that by not getting stuck in what is before us and keeping hold bigger picture of God’s ongoing work
What I want to happen:
People to be inspired to work for peace, in our communities, country and world

The Sermon
      1.      Introduction:
talk about Remembrance day – what are we remembering?
                        courage of those who went
                        folly of war
talk about line in programme for today’s service at Otumoetai
            “Remember those fought wars to establish peace”
irony of that line on this day -  commemorates end WW1 – most historians suggest
            war reparations placed on Germany made WWII almost inevitable
            rather than war to end wars
                        led to over century ongoing conflict especially in middle east.
how might we honour and remember those who have fought?
            war never establishes peace – ending war just brings end to that conflict
            recognise causes of war and conflict in community, country and world
                        huge divide between wealthy and poor –
                        self centeredness – loose any appreciation needs of other
                                    absolute belief rightness of our position
                                    all becomes about us and out desires
                        focussing too much on here and now and losing sight big picture
            work eradicate those causes                

      2.      Scripture
what might scripture have to say about those things?
Ø  pray unceasingly justice for God’s chosen people
Ø  hope that swords will be beaten in ploughshares
Ø  Lukes gospel find Jesus who worked to remove barriers that excluded people from god’s grace and a place in the social community
Ø  todays reading, especially Luke and Haggai – invitation to keep hold of bigger picture
o   God’s ongoing work of restoration and new life
o   join in that work

      3.      Local examples
Wednesday remembered Te Whiti Rongomai
                        in this land have those worked peace against great odds:
                                    and Tohu in Parihaka
                                    Wiremu Tamihana of Matamata

      4.      how do we remember and honour those who have fought, those did come home, and those who came home forever changed????


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