Called to ???

Hebrew Scripture:          Isa 9:1-4                                              
Psalm:                            Psalm: 27:1, 4-9                                               
Epistle:                            1 Cor 1:10-18                     
Gospel:                            Matt 4:12-23                                     

What I want to say:
Invite us to let go of some more theological assumptions and to explore the nature of call from a fresh perspective
What I want to happen:
People to reflect on their own calling and ministry in light of this story from Matthew

The Sermon

       1.       Introduction:

how do you experience God’s call?
what are we called to?

        2.       Matthew

classic call story heard this morning
comes after John arrested
        Jesus does two things
                        gets out – moves to another place
                        carries on Johns ministry (although to be fair we never hear him preach repentance in all Matthew records)
then starts inviting people join him.
seems have dragnet approach – asking any old person comes across
any notice how that story differed from last week?
Andrew is follower John
not quite so random
Jesus invites Andrew and Peter to come and follow and “I will make you fish for people”
and James and John to leave father and follow
what does it mean to be fishers of people?
what do you think?

        3.       Theological assumptions

One of places theological assumptions that talked about last week play havoc
shapes how understand nature call
                what called to – (i.e. being fishers of people)
                define what church is about
provides series of easy answers which mean never have to really read what happens in gospels
said last week, said again in pew sheet
“Because the gospel writers knew that God is unknowable, but believed that in the life, actions and teaching of Jesus we are offered a way to know God, a picture of who God is. As we come to know Jesus, we come to know the nature of God.”
and in this way come to know ourselves as God sees us, and understand more clearly nature of life invited into

        4.       My call

used to think that God had plan for me – all I had to do was work out what was and obey
                don’t think God has plan like that anymore
                think llife faith more like rock climbing
                                attached by rope to God belayer
                                get to choose route and how high, depending how much willing trust
eg – call to Gate pa
                call to New Westminster

used to think point of it all get people come church –
to be fisher people meant to fish for them and drag them into church
that still lingers in background
my office window looks out over gate pa, not into church
point of it is to live in such a way that honours all people as being made in the image of God
that allows people to recognise they are made in image of God
invites them treat all others as being made in image of God
when I do that
                when we do that
we join risen christ in being fishers for people
                join in emerging Kingdom of God

       5.       Conclusion

how do you experience God’s call?
what are we called to?


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