It is all about me
we begin Lent and enter this time of deepening faith and perception we are
offered two of the great traditional Lenten readings – the story of the Fall in
Genesis, and Matthew’s version of Jesus in the wilderness for 40 days and
often read these two stories as being about temptation, and they offer us hope
in our own struggle with temptation – whatever we are tempted by. The trouble
is that this can easily just be about me and my struggle with sin.
commentators suggest that these readings are really about relationships and
identity. In the Genesis story we hear how Adam and Eve are tempted to forget that
their identity is found only in their relationship with God. They are tempted
to believe that if they were wiser they could have a better understanding of
who they are. The trouble is the moment they give in they forget who they truly
are. The story of Jesus tussle with Satan in the wilderness is also a struggle of
identity. Does Jesus really trust that his identity if found in the title “Son
of God” (so named in the previous story of his baptism). His knowledge of God’s
character and purposes is deeply tested.
is a time for us to test how much our identity is found in God. What do we
understand by that? Are we willing to trust that we are beloved sons and
daughters no matter what happens? How well do we know God’s character?