Resurrection Now

Gate Pa – Easter 2014
Hebrew Scripture:                Acts 10:34-43                      
Epistle:                                   Col 3:1-4                 
Gospel:                                  Matthew 28:1-10                  

What I want to say:
Use the ppt of Marks version of the resurrection story to invite people to consider how resurrection affects their daily lives

What I want to happen:
where do you meet the resurrected Christ

The Sermon

1.     Introduction:
PowerPoint of story from gospel – Mark

2.     Marks version
Gospel writers do not agree on details of resurrection
some appearances in Jerusalem only
some Galilee
some both
That version resurrection in movie just saw is different from what just heard from Matthew
lot less
Gospel as written by Mark that has survived until today finishes at 16:8 - nearly all scholars agree with that
as just heard - only the women see risen Jesus
Told to tell disciples to go to Galilee, where they will see Jesus, and the woman ran from the tomb, confused, and shaking, too afraid to tell anyone what had happened
question is – is this where Mark intended to finish
was there longer version somehow got chopped off
somewhere someone or some group  thought this
longer version based on Matthew added
usually 2 included in most versions
or is this where intended to stop
Some scholars say, that is where he intended to end it

3.     Intro talk
Gospel is like an intro talk when have guest speaker at convention
Like Mark introduces Jesus by recounting stories reveal kind person he is
And then Mark says,
And now let’s hear from Jesus
Here in Rome
How have you met risen Jesus?
From this point of view
Resurrection stories set in Jerusalem and Galilee are much less important than stories how you and I meet risen Christ in our daily lives.
If Easter is just a true story, but has no impact on us
How see world
How live our lives
Then little point to it!
Reduced to level of nice story
But if this story stirs us to remember our own times with risen Christ
Allows us to recount how we have been changed by those experiences
Allows us to continue to grow into Christ's great love
Then Easter is of great significance
Season Easter is 50 days
Invite you spend those 50 days remembering times met risen Christ
invite you to tell a least one other of those times, and
to hear another's story, so that together you may
rejoice at Risen Christ continued presence with us

4.     Response
invite you talk to neighbour
when ready
use paper, pipe cleaner and pen on given on entering
words or image - times met risen Christ
how that is changing you.
after writen on paper
make into flower
place it on Cross as our prayer this morning.


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