This week’s gospel reading ( Matt 14:13-21 ) is another well-known story. We might feel awkward that only the men are countered but it is what it is. And we might also have some good ideas about how Jesus did feed so many people. We might also miss the context of this story, the two devastating events that precede this story, and in doing so miss the contrasts that run all the way through. I wonder if you have read the stories between this week and last week. The story begins with Jesus leaving all in search of a place to be with his grief and anger over the death of his mentor, teacher, even friend. John has been beheaded and Jesus needs time alone. But this huge crowd, bigger than any town except the major urban centres, have gone to find him. Maybe they too are filled with grief and anger and they look for hope in this man. And so Matthew tells us that Jesus meets them. We might be tempted to say he has pity, but pity is too nice a word. This is deep gut wrenching empathy. It...