Building the Kingdom in the most surprising places

Gate Pa – Social Service Sunday 2014.
Psalm:                                  105:1-11,45b
First Reading:                    Gen 29:15-28                                       
Second Reading:              Rom 8:26-39                              
Gospel:                                Matt 13:31-33, 44-52                                                   
What I want to say:
The Kingdom of Heaven is presented as being like a weed, like a woman hiding yeast in flour, like a tenant farmer finding treasure and somehow buying it, like a merchant selling all his stock to purchase a pearl of great price, like a fishing net dragging ALL in. It is not what is expected, not where it is supposed to be, not doing what it is supposed to be doing. it is just not what we are looking for. So are we the blind ones Jesus keeps talking about? So, we are invited to look for signs on the kingdom in places we normally would not think to look, and on this Social Service Sunday, go there to join in the work of building God’s community
What I want to happen:
People to pay more attention to the unlikely signs of the Kingdom, maybe even rethink what the kingdom of heaven is and what it looks like. maybe even be a mountain biker and look there rather than where they are, and then we might even join in God’s work of building God’s community

The Sermon

     1.       Introduction:

Theme gospel is for third week – Kingdom of Heaven
over centuries – kingdom heaven understood in lots way
                heaven – somewhere else after die
                remember film – Kingdom of Heaven
                                – about crusader kingdom in middle east
                over centuries number empires thought themselves as Kingdom heaven
                                even line thought in America – highest expression Christian democracy – modern kingdom heaven
                some sees church expression
what about you – what you add to those descriptions?

     2.       Kingdom of Heaven

wonder what phrase meant people listening to Jesus
hard tell – they not write
sources those did write
                apocalyptic – end of time
                                either in another place – heaven
                                or in this world
end of Romans – and high priests too I suspect

     3.       Jesus and the Kingdom heaven

with all that in mind let’s hear what Jesus has to say about all this.
3rd week heard Jesus talk about Kingdom heaven
recap – 2 weeks ago – sower and soils –
                Jesus talking about why using parable
                                fulfil Isaiah – hear and not understand
                                                see and not ….
inside comment – we are the ones that see and hear and understand – not like those people out there
                last week – wheat and tares or weeds
this week have these 5 quick snippets
                face of it seem pretty straight forward
                as we listen, remember that we have had 2000 years
                one things take granted when Jesus speaking
                                – nothing is straight forward
                like a weed, which birds nest in –
                is this what those in authority thought of Jesus and what teaching?
                it connects us to the great vision of the kingdom
                                gathering of all people in peace and reconciliation,
                                foreshadowed in the eucharistic feast.
                like a woman hiding yeast in flour,
                like a tenant farmer finding treasure and somehow buying it,
                like a merchant selling all his stock to purchase a pearl of great price,
                like fishing net dragging ALL in.

if I was to describe kingdom Heaven
-          not sure any these would be my list images
-          really – kingdom heaven like weed?
It is not what is expected,
not where it is supposed to be,
not doing what it is supposed to be doing.
it is just not what we are looking for.
if i am honest – there is something going on here and I seem to be missing it?
So are we the blind ones Jesus keeps talking about?

     4.       Social Service Sunday

as said in pew sheet
theme is building community
day reflect on how GTG, Whanau Aroha, Centrepoint build community
give thanks
ask how we can be more involved in these and other things that build community
Today – also invited to look for signs on the kingdom in places we normally would not think to look,
Book – where you look is where you go
                e.g. mountain bike riding – look where going not where are
                                less likely fall off
                big lesson for us in this
not looking where are – looking out what doing and what might involved in
no one ever said easy
none parable about easy
are about looking in unexpected places.

and on this Social Service Sunday, go there to join in the work of building God’s community


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