Having another look

Gate Pa – 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Psalm:       Psalm: 45:10-17                                                                     
First Reading:   Genesis 24:34-38, 42-49, 58-67                            
Second ReadingRomans 7:15-25                                                            
Gospel: Matthew11:16-19,25-30                                                                     

What I want to say:
Use the story of Rebekah to introduce being open to a different life. Then use story of Francis to explore opening ourselves to a greater vision for life.

What I want to happen:
People to engage in a penitential life, after the example of Saint Francis

The Sermon

      1.      Introduction:

Meet in this morning’s first reading remarkable young woman
Rebekah – extraordinary
            young woman shows such generosity – to unknown strangers
                        to their animals
            boldly agrees to go with this stranger to marry someone she has never met
            land she knows nothing about
            with no guarantees
clearly remarkable person
saw opportunity to have different type life than expecting
seized it
people in this congregation made similar choices
moved here for someone
live life very different from what know
at least known person marrying
Rebekah not even have that
Result of this courage and faith
extraordinary union –Rebekah and Isaac
kind of take granted
in this world polygamy was norm
            offered protection women
            not cast out when husband decided too old and needed younger version
                        as can happen today
            stayed in family system
            under husbands care
biblical account that Rebekah and Isaac were monogamous couple
            no mention other wives, concubines, slaves,
            no other children
            just Jacob, smooth man
            older brother Esau – an hairy man.
Her decision is key moment in biblical story
without it all that follows, pretty much everything
at this point promise to Abraham hinges on her answer
I wonder if any us have courage make her decisions
wonder led her to make those decisions.

      2.      What about us?

what about ujs
would we make that decision
and if so why
and if not why not
what does that reveal about what we hold dear in our lives
            What leads us to make the decisions we make
            what motivates us to do the things we do
            what passionate about
            what inspire us

      3.      Richard Rohr and Penance

currently listening book by Richard Rohr – who is he
exploring life Francis using works contemporary writers in variety fields
began book exploring some key events Francis life
suggests – based on Francis own writing - lived life penance
            what word evoke for you?
defined as:
a punishment undergone in token of penitence for sin.
a penitential discipline imposed by church authority.
a sacrament, as in the Roman Catholic Church, consisting in a confession of sin, made with sorrow and with the intention of amendment, followed by the forgiveness of the sin.

      4.      Francis and Penance

Rohr suggests that for Francis penance – making room in our lives for God
            God revealed lives those not normally see
                        not want in our lives
                        those fear, loathe, despise,
                        maybe just those dislike,
                        wish to have little or nothing to do with.
                        might describe as “the others”
            like Jesus
            like us
            lived in violent world
            son new breed person
                        wealthy middle class
            wealth not in land
            but money made through trade
like all wealthy people, all wealthy groups,
important to protect that wealth
important to keep yourself and your wealth safe
            with force
Assisi city layers
higher your were more important you were
            important keep those lower (actually and metaphorically) out
                        protect yourself from them
plain lived peasants and lowest of low
all those deemed particularly unsafe
cast out
Francis like everyone else feared them and loathed them
there was no room in his world for them
he and God had no time or compassion for them
until one day as he rode past leper hospital on plain
heard bell of leper
moved other side and covered mouth – as he normally did
looking other way so as not see or smell foul creatures
this time could not ride past
felt compelled stop
physically embrace and kiss the leper
            filled fear and loathing
            filled with revoltion
            filled with wonder
gave money
returned horse and rode on
his closed world ripped open
began to make room in it for all kinds people
people he would not have even seen in the past
renounced all possessions – because to own anything meant he had to protect it from others
moved down hill to lowest places
all joined him invited live as one poorest
working among lepers
learning make room for all
            all people        - even lepers and Muslims
                        -even refugees and poorest beggars
            all creatures
            all creation

      5.      Inspired Penance

What inspired him?
all people, all creation
reflected God to him
saw each loved by God
rather protecting what was his
sought common good
world where all honoured and blessed as children of god

as I drove home Friday night listening to pray as you go
offers 10 minutes podcast - time reflection and prayer each day
listen to as you drive or whatever doing
             takes the gospel reading set for day rcl lectionary
            reads it and offers some reflections and questions
story Matthew of Jesus going home tax collectors and response Pharisees
asked – who is it we feel uncomfortable being with at our table
            who we not want have present
sadly name some people
no-one in this parish hasten add
are people drive me nuts
invited wonder what Jesus saying to us
how might I welcome these people
I responded – do I have to?
suspect Francis is telling me   - yes

      6.      Gospel

we began this morning inspiring story Rebekah
suggested offered us example someone embraced possibility different world
here we are with Francis – embraced possibility world radically different from one lived in
people his world largely motivated by need preserve what was theirs through any means necessary
saw all those classified as other – contemptible
            deserving whatever did to them keep them at bay
Francis instead embraced all to himself
embraced all as brother and sister
willing to share all that he had with
called this life penance
this is not an easy calling
not an easy life
people abused him
and if we follow to extremes he did
will abuse us
today gospel Jesus finishes with words which so familiar
so familiar in fact really hard to read from our version bible
those words of promise
we will be yoked – not sound that inspiring really
in fact miss – yoked in pairs
others like us
with Jesus himself
Once Francis eyes were opened by leper
actually found life penance easy
found yoke Jesus as easy
called hardest times – perfect joy
like Rebekah
just trusted
what motivates us in decisions we make each day
whatg stops us making different decisions
who might be our leper?
what mean for us to live lives of penance?


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