Feet of Clay in a Storm

Is available to be listened to here

Gate Pa - 21 June 2015 – 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Psalm                         Psalm 133                  
First Reading:            1 Samuel 17:57-18:5, 10-16   
Second Reading:        2 Corinthians 6:1-13              
Gospel:                       Mark 4:35-41                         
What I want to say:
explore the nature of our heroes and suggest that for them to inspire us we need to see them as real people. This includes great heroes of faith, including Paul and disciples. In light of that want to explore story of calming of storm. We are disciples of today. Where are we in this story? What storms rock our world?

What I want to happen:
What demonic and destructive powers is Jesus overcoming, speaking words of peace to?

The Sermon

     1.     Introduction:

We all have heroes
people we look up to?
seek to emulate
wish we could be?
are inspired by?
who are you heroes?
what is it about them that inspires you?
what is it you seek to emulate or copy?
one things about these kinds of people is that we put them on a pedestal.
fail to see the real person
instead create this persona not real
can be a little intimidating
especially when get up close
can be really disappointing when see that not measure up image created.
also be really liberating and life giving
applies even to people who maybe are not heroes
but are people you just admire
who inspire you a little bit
remember asked by one such person to be their spiritual director
honest little bit freaked out
            she intimidated me
            don’t think sessions went very well
            until worked out really not much different from me.
saw her feet of clay
            her failings and foibles
I was able to relax and enjoy sessions lot more
            able to get to know her as a person
            able help her lot more as a result.
don’t get me wrong
still think pretty amazing person
            lot about her admire
            bit more realistic about it
actually more helpful
she is able to do these amazing things
maybe I can do some good things too.

     2.     Heroes

just as true for people we meet in story of Christian faith
            the saints
and people we meet in scripture
easy to not see them as real people
real failings, hurts, desires.
instead put on unrealistic and intimidating pedestal
out of reach
we could never be like them!
or could we?
few weeks ago remembered great Irish Saint, Saint Columba
founded monasteries across Ireland
            great monastery of Iona –
                        wee small island far from Scottish mainland as get still be in Scotland
                        close Ireland get and still be in Scotland
            monastery played significant role evangelism of Scotland
            helped others see that this isle was and is a holy place
                        thin place
            so that Viking Danes became Christianised
                        brought dead kings to be buried here
            today acts home Iona Community – ecumenical religious order
            offers hospitality on isle at rebuild Abbey and George McLeod Centre             -> people all ages
fail see that this man had same feet clay we all have
            loyal member Irish royal family –
                        through threats curses and promises blessings kept Scottish kings of Irish descent loyal high king Ireland
            filled avarice – notably for teachers book psalms
            when ordered to return
            showed himself be fiery Celt
            killed a number of teachers kinsmen to reclaim possession of his copy
so banished from Ireland
and ordered save as many souls as were killed in that battle
despite all failings
            God used endeavours change course Scottish and Irish history – down to today.
If God can use him, maybe God can use us too…

     3.     David and Paul

Same is true of David
            didn’t fit anyone’s idea of what king should be
            wasn’t oldest son of noblest family
youngest son of good family
            wasn’t bold and renowned warrior
                        like someone like Saul
fought with sling and rod
wasn’t that impressive
more beautiful rather than rugged manly man people expected.
made huge mistakes
still be is remembered as greatest of the kings.

Paul didn’t impress anyone.
            apparently not best looking chap around
            not greatest speaker – despite Lukes efforts to describe him as such
            seemed to be constantly in trouble
            not most politic of people – some letters quite sharp
didn’t seem follow rule not sending email while angry
had time re-read what wrote
way more impressive teachers now forgotten
            don’t have their works
            have Pauls
what is it that inspires us?
what is it we want to emulate?

     4.     Disciples

Disciples aren’t much different either
this mornings gospel not portrayed in very flattering light
Story in fact is continuing of Jesus teaching about the Kingdom of God
            acted out parable Mark placed deliberately at this point
                        remember this is a theology book, not history book.
set sail
Jesus collapses in back or stern
            where boat steered from
he is asleep
disciples are all good with that
all is well
all good until weather turns septic
astoundingly savage storm
shreds sail and their confidence in selves
faith and trust in Jesus
“Don’t you care that we are drowning?”
One commentators suggested Jesus was asleep
            not only exhausted from all been doing
            also, unlike disciples
            no matter what happened he completely trusted in God’s goodness and generosity
not to say trusted that life be box roses
            clearly not case
            we know where this story is heading
            his is a deeper trust and faith
disciples faith is fair weather faith
            when things going well know God cares
            when go awry – not so sure
they ask that question that is there when we are immersed in our own storms
            when all hell breaks loose
            hope seems distant and faint light
è “Don’t you care that we are drowning?”
Jesus response is swift and dumbfounding
“peace, be still”
important not to get hung up on the details
How did Jesus do that?
Did he really do that?
is that possible?
they all miss the point.
because this not just storm
Jesus isn’t someone who can boss nature around
this storm is demonic
            Greek is clear
and it comes out all powers that seek to destroy, distort and endanger
represents all that seek to destroy, distort and endanger
all works against kingdom of God
Jesus has told parables about kingdom – which disciples needed tuition on
now immersed in middle event that is in a way another parable about the kingdom
just like in parables – get stuck
            get stuck on waves and wind
we too, too often get stuck on waves and wind
miss Jesus defeating those powers
in process liberating people from all that destroys, distorts and endangers
in process announces the kingdom of God
disciples miss that
lost in fear
            fear of storm
            fear of Jesus who defeated the storm
ask question that central this and every Gospel
“who then is this man?”
they and we miss that Jesus is one who is liberating people and society from powers that  that destroys, distorts and endangers
disciples are not some great heroes beyond anything we might be or aspire to be
they are like us
            people filled with fear
            who miss the point again and again
            want all wrong things
at least ask honest questions and respond with honest responses
We are the disciples today
this story is also about us
how does that story describe our life today


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