deeper and larger

I am on hoiliday next week.
These are my very initial thoughts on our RCL readings for October 4. Again, others will be preaching so this will be it from me.

Today we are invited to consider how we read scripture. Do we read it to confirm our beliefs and find support for both our understanding of God and how we are to live that out? Or are we constantly invited to have a deeper and larger vision of who God is; to let go of our preconceived notions of who we are and find new ways of being loyal and fruitful followers of God. Today’s readings are all about the second way.
The God of Job simply refuses to be defined. When catastrophe happens, Job’s friends use their theological models to help Job confess his great and manifold sin. But Job refuses and calls God to account. In the end both Job and his friends are held to account. God is so much bigger than all we can imagine and will not be confined by our theology.
Jesus too lovingly invites both the rich young man and us to a bigger view of what it means to follow God. The rich man believes he has obeyed the commandments (fat chance) and hopes that will be enough to gain eternal life. One thing he lacks, compassion and generosity towards the poor.
Today we mark the life of Saint Francis. He let go of his preconceived notions of God and immersed himself in God’s love. He embraced his own poverty and lived a generous and compassionate life. He saw all creation as God’s beloved gift. I wonder if we are able to follow in his footsteps and find the crucified and risen Christ in ALL we meet, and in all creation?


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