What must I do to inherit eternal life? Who is my neighbour?

This Sunday we will hear the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Such a well-known and well-loved story. A lovely story we often/usually think is about how to be neighbourly. But is it that all it is about? Or have we for too long misunderstood and missed what Jesus and Luke were really up to?
So I have some questions of this story. You might like to reflect on them.

  • Who called the Samaritan “good”? 
  • What does it mean to be good? 
  • Where else have we met Samaritans in Luke’s gospel that might give some context? 
  • Where else have we met travellers on the road? 
  • Are bandits good? 
  • Do we pay any attention to the lawyer’s questions? 
  • What is eternal life? 
  • Who is my neighbour? 
  • Who will I let be a neighbour to me? 
  • If we took this story seriously what would we need to let go of?


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