Behold a daughter of Abraham

“And behold a woman having a spirit of infirmity 18 years”[1]. Or as the NRSV puts it “And just then there appeared a woman with a spirit that had crippled her for eighteen years”[2]. We slide past that line. And yet here is the crux. Behold – and invisible woman, invisible for 18 years, is seen by Jesus. He sees not a cripple, not someone with a problem that needs dealing with. He sees a daughter of Abraham. Everything stems from that. In being seen her spirit of infirmity leaves her, her bonds are loosed, and she is able to stand into fullness of life, restored and visible.
In contrast the synagogue leader sees only sick people wanting healing. Come another day. Today is God’s Sabbath. The rules, the theology, the preconceptions get in the way. He can’t see.
When we look at others do we really see them? Do we see sons and daughters of Abraham? Or people needing help/healing/whatever?

[2] Luke 13:10


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