This week we join John in asking, “Are you the one or should
we wait for another?” As we listen to Jesus response, what does it mean for us for
Jesus to be “the one”? What are the signs that Jesus is the one? He promises so
much – that the reign of God has broken upon us. But in this world of
injustice, idolatry, exploitation, scarcity, violence and hardening borders, it
is sometimes difficult to see evidence that the reign of God and the promised
great transformation is truly underway. This Sunday, as we again pray – “Your
Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven” we affirm that Jesus is
the one through whom God’s will is done. As we say it, even when we struggle to
believe it, we are invited live out the will of God, the joy, peace, hope and
love of God in the here and now, so that the great transformation might
continue around us.
This week’s theme is joy. In the midst of busy Christmas
preparations, and the world seemingly more fragile each day, where is Joy? What
brings you joy? How do you bring joy to others?
During this week I invite you to take time at the end of
each day to give thanks for ways God has both brought joy into your day; and
through you brought joy into the lives of others. I also invite you to reflect
on what has led you away from joy.