Breaking open Jesus the Way, Truth and Life - a first go

So here we are in the fifth Sunday of Easter listening to part of Jesus final pep talk to the disciples as they and he prepare for the horrors that lies ahead. It seems wrong. Shouldn’t we be still celebrating resurrection and eternal life?
The season of Easter is a time to remind ourselves what resurrection means for us so that we might live it out. Today’s gospel reminds us that it is not about waiting to get into heaven, but involves living this simple and telling message, “Trust that God is the way Jesus told us and demonstrated to us. That means two things, especially as we now think canonically and include more of the story of Jesus from the other gospels: we can trust in the God of compassion in which there’s a place for us (even if we know nothing else!) and we can know that the meaning of life is to share that compassion in the world - there’s a place for all! We can join that compassion wherever we recognise its ‘Jesus shape’, acknowledging it as life and truth and the only way.”[1]

[1] Bill Loader, <>


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