Flaming Justice

Can be listened to here

Gate Pa – Year A  Pentecost Sunday,

Psalm                          Psalm: 104:24-34, 35b                                                           
First Reading:                         Acts 2:1-21                                         
Second Reading:        1 Cor 12:3-13                         
Gospel:                        John 20:19-23 
What I want to say:
to explore the symbolism around the telling of Pentecost and what that offers us in our understanding and living of the Pentecost story
John teaches that the Spirit is the one to be trusted – not understood. When we trust and live the Sprit then we find life, then Spirit of Jesus offers life through us.
What I want to happen:
ask – what do we trust the Spirit to do?
-          do we recognise the extraordinary acts of the spirit in our lives, in our world

The Sermon

       1.     Introduction:

today is Pentecost Sunday
            what can you tell me about this Sunday?

       2.     Theology not history

Last week we talked about some of the differences between how story of the ascension is presented in some of the gospels and Acts
-         some not have it
-         one has it as part of resurrection (John)
-         one has it on Easter Sunday – (Luke)
-         Acts has it 40 days later
same thing going on today
Not in Matthew and Mark
John – wraps resurrection/ascension/giving Spirit all into one event
            assumption – followers of the way continue experience risen and ascended one who continues to give the Spirit
Luke – giving of Spirit is hinted at in gospel
in Acts - offers this amazing account
what are we supposed to do with these differences
we read these books as history
       as such historical accuracy is important to us
       when offered different timelines
       feel like we should choose
o   who is right here
o   maybe all right?
not books history
            books of theology
            stories told in way offers accurate understanding of who Jesus is
                        who is God met in these stories
                        what difference that makes now
story is told not offer accurate time line of events
-         clear picture of what this is all about.
Both the accounts heard today offer different theologies
-         not competing theologies
-         but theologies that stand side by side

       3.     Luke

Luke has constructed his version of story which is full of symbolism
starts with pushing dates Ascension out by 40 days
è where else 40 used bible?
            time in wilderness
            refers back to exodus
è where else find 120 or 12?
o   12 tribes of Israel
è doing this making bold claim those put trust in Jesus are true Israel
o   one through whom God will restore humanity and renew creation
o   big claim
Gifting Spirit moved to feast Pentecost
-         harvest festival – time giving thanks God’s provision
-         also became festival celebrating gifting of Law on Mount Sinai
-         two aspects to that need pay attention to

       4.     Tongues

first is story common known at time Luke writing his version of story
when Torah given on Sinai
flame came down from heaven and divided into 70 tongues
            one for each nation of the world.
            all could understand
            only one promised to keep Torah
those nations represented by all those around Mediatraina
once again offered opportunity to obey Torah
live in presence God
è leads us to second aspect

       5.     Leviticus

second is nature of festival of weeks or Pentecost
which according to Leviticus 23: 15-22
            held on the 7th Sabbath after Passover
(50th day hence Greek name – pente or 50)
passage goes on to describe what is needed for thanksgiving offering
finishes with
“When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap to the very edges of your field, or gather the gleanings of your harvest; you shall leave them for the poor and for the alien: I am the Lord your God.” 
Leviticus passage moves directly from thankfulness to justice,
-         ethical demand to not harvest the fields to their fullest extent, but to leave the edges for the poor.
not a one off
Leviticus 23:22 is one of several places where

-         the landed folk were to leave dropped bundles on the ground,

-         were not to harvest all the way to the edges,

-         were not to beat olive trees or strip grape vines completely,
-         because they were once poor and landless and God had given the land to them.
o   they were to mirror generosity and compassion that God had showed to them
è Pentecost not just thanksgiving festival
è reminder that at heart of law is God’s justice and generosity
è reminder that they were all once landless slaves
è that landowners were to consider their land, their trees, and their vineyards as a means of providing for the poor.
Luke chose this festival as time when Spirit came
when true Israel revealed
            as ones who truly lived out Torah
o   because they ones truly lived in presence of God
            at heart of Torah
                        and of their living the law in presence God
                        is that all they had was to be used a means of providing for poor
     è which it was
     è all owned held in common and used for poor
     è Luke tells us that
     è history tells us that first Christian communities both renowned and reviled for their compassion and generosity for poor

       6.     Us

Luke and John not interested in telling stories sake of information
told them to invite hearers into that story
each Pentecost Luke hoped that hearers reminded
            because we are ones truly live in presence of God
            all we have is to be used a means of providing for poor
message that too often we have forgotten
although always been those who reminded rest of us of that call.
One of commentators use reminded us
John gospel
Spirit is not something we should seek understand – too often fall trap doing
è but Spirit is to be trusted
this trust should be at heart of our lives
question then we are asked
in light what I have said today
-         what do we trust the Spirit to do?
-         do we recognise the extraordinary acts of the Spirit in our lives, in our world?
-         how are we invited to join in


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