Voices of Protest
Our time in
Mark is coming to a close. I will miss his action packed short and pithy style.
For the last few weeks we have listened to Ruth – a voice of protest against
the call to racial purity. Our last reading in Mark - 13:1-8 – is also a voice of protest. This
story protests how the religious structures, impressive as they were, were
built on the poverty of the poorest. Like the widow we heard about last week.
This will all end. The temple would, was, had (depending on when you think Mark
wrote his gospel) fall. The ways of greed that leaves so many without enough would
end. God’s reign of hope, generosity, hospitality and justice; seen in all
Jesus did and said, would continue to emerge. We need to hear that message today.
As we approach Advent I wonder how we are invited to join the protest.