The party begins

First Sunday back and it’s all about an abundance of great wine. 500 litres of awesome wine. Not mid-shelf stuff. Top shelf where I never look because I don’t have that kind of money.  Provided for a gathering of whanau and friends in a small poor community in the middle of nowhere. People whose lives are defined by back breaking poverty and deprivation, surviving from day to day, who have gathered with their meager koha to celebrate this new beginning and all the hopes that held. For these days they will forget that life is not as they hoped and they will enjoy each other and what food and wine they have gathered. Jesus’ mum is there out the back with the other ringa wera keeping it going. But too soon the wine has gone and the party will end. Reality will bight. Celebration to lamentation is one breath. Except Jesus’ mum does her best to fulfil her role and suggests Jesus might be able to help out. And he helps out. 500 litres of the best wine. That party was not stopping any time soon.

And so it begins
this grace upon grace
that came when
the Word became flesh
and tented among us.
This is an abundance of grace
grace to swim in
to lounge back
and dream 
another world.
that tastes so fine
and lingers on the
tongue with
sweet afternotes
poured out
for those who 
wax eloquent
An abundance
for those for whom
a drop 
might have been enough.
An abundance
that leaves all changed
The party begins


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