Thoughts on our Season of Creation

This week we continue with our celebration of the Season of Creation. Normally this is the period in the annual church calendar, from 1st September to 4th October, dedicated to God as Creator and Sustainer of all life. It is a time to recall that this is God’s world, and that this planet and all who live on it belong to God. Our readings today remind us that the only starting point in talking about our place in this world is that this world is God’s gift. We receive this gift as people made in the image of the creating and life giving God. We are given dominion over this world, not to dominate and use the resources for our own short term gain, but to act for the long term benefit of all creation and all who live on it.
In this season we join the world wide church catholic to hear again the invitation to live richly: joyfully responding to the goodness and generosity of God; growing in our vocation as image bearers; acting in the hope that God is reconciling all things. And it provides an opportunity to repent for all the ways we have failed to live richly, and to lament the consequences of this failure. In doing so we offer our neighbours ways of reverencing this world and to live that protects the most vulnerable.


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