A Bigger Mind in the Season of Creation
have spent the last few weeks engaged in a Season of Creation exploring our
relationship with Creation. We have been reminded that ALL belongs to God, including
us. As we have contemplated the wonder of the web of life that holds and
sustains all, in the oceans and on the land. As we reflected on Genesis 1 and
the story of humanity being created in the image of our Creating and Life Giving
God, we have considered how our relationship with God’s gift might be marked by
awe and the call to join God’s ongoing creating and life giving work.
week Paul in his letter to the Corinthians invites us to envisage all the
cosmos radiating with the creating and life giving presence of the Christ, in
whom and through whom and for whom all was created. We are invited into a
bigger mind about God, Christ and salvation – for God’s salvation through
Christ is for the entire cosmos.
few weeks ago I talked about Dave Tomlinson’s suggestion that repentance is being
drawn into a bigger mind. Certainly this week we are encouraged to repent: of
our small ideas of God; our small ideas about salvation; and how our limited
and small understanding of creation has led us to treat this gift simply as a
resource for our economic gain, with no thought to the consequence of our
actions on God’s creation or for our brothers and sisters who sustain and hold
us in the web of life. As human made global climate change gathers pace we are
invited to stop, repent, lament, and act in new life giving ways. Today we are
asked how we as individuals and we as a faith community might live in more life
giving ways; and with local body elections just around the corner, what do we
hope for our city?